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1st Polish group meeting

Our UKSW project meeting

- the research on profiling our students - quantitative and qualitative method

Minutes of the meeting
of team members in The Unteachables Erasmus+ project
Date: 10.01.2019

1. Welcoming and Introduction. All participants in the meeting introduced themself and presented their education, professional experience and achievements.

The meeting was attended by:
- priest prof. Jan Niewęgłowski - Dean - WNP UKSW;
- Artur Baranowski PhD - WBNS UKSW - project coordinator;
- Aleksandra Kulpa PhD - Puczyńska - WNP UKSW;
- Aneta Domżalska PhD - WNP UKSW;
- Tomasz Kowalczyk - Headteacher of the Blessed R. Archutowski Catholic Public High School in Warsaw;
- Anna Ściborek, master’s degree - teacher of the Catholic Public High School Blessed R. Archutowski in Warsaw;
- Łukasz Chojnowski, master’s degree - teacher of the Catholic Public High School Blessed R. Archutowski in Warsaw;
- Monika Kwiatek, master’s degree - teacher of the High School with Bilingual Departments A. Mickiewicz in Piastów;
- Marta Jakubczak, master’s degree - teacher of the High School with Bilingual Departments A. Mickiewicz in Piastów;
- Aneta Żmijewska - student at UKSW;
- Katarzyna Majcher - student at UKSW;
- Adrianna Wróbel - student at UKSW;
- Marcin Bielecki - student at UKSW.

2.  Presentation of the main assumptions and goals of the Unteachables project.
It was stressed that “The Unteachables” is the growing problem in Europe and it is why it is highly ranked priority in EU. It tackles the students aged 12-16 who do not show or lose the interest in learning. The current aim of the project is to develop a tool what would help to identify such students (profiling students). Another step is to develop innovative tools that would enable and facilitate learning and self-learning (using modern technologies). In addition, it was emphasized that the term "The Unteachables" has not yet been precisely defined and will be worked out during the project. All of these indicate that the project is innovative and responsive to educational necessity.

3.  Work schedule:
- 3 months for working out the final version of the tool, and collecting the first data (students profiling) in partner schools that;
* purpose of the tool is to identify (define the profile) of a student who has learning difficulties in spite of the lack of medical obstacles. The student could learn, but he does not learn, he does not want to, he does not care.
- 26.01,  Polish team brainstorm - questions to the tool - questionnaire and interview questionnaire from each project participant (academic teachers, school teachers, students) and questions from high school students
* document provided by the coordinator, more information on point. 4
- 10.02 preparation of tools based on submitted proposals and reliable and accurate research tools of other authors available from published papers;
- 12.02 pilot research in secondary schools. Evaluation, then complete profiling a quantitative survey supported with a qualitative interview survey.

4. Documentation:
A. Additional information and documents available on the project’s platform Google plus, eg:
  1. Jan Gejel provided a brief description of the project:
  1. Ove Christensen test methods
  1. Research "The Unteachables" journalist from the US

B. Questions for research tools should be entered in the documents provided by the coordinator:
LO im. A. Mickiewicza in Piastów
LO im. R. Archutowski in Warsaw
UKSW students
UKSW staff - Aleksandra Kulpa Puczyńska, Aneta Domżalska, Artur Baranowski
* more information in the mail from coordinator

5. Project website:

6. Future. Preparing the application with the consortium as a continuation of the idea of ​​The Unteachables and Open Science Schooling in Erasmus+ Projects.

7. Summary: Summing up and conclusions!

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