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5 days mobility in Poland

9-13 September, Warsaw, Poland
our team

On September 9th-13th as a part of the international project "The Unteachables" of Erasmus + program,  there was the partner's meeting from Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Spain and Slovenia held at the Mazovian In-Service Teacher Training Centre in Warsaw, which was a host of this event.

At the meeting, students and academic staff of represented institutions, including the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, summarized the results and the effects achieved, including profiling the unteachables as well as defined principles of effective learning strategies, helping students to be redirected into learnables. Discussing the results in the broad context of international experience has enabled the development of a framework for experimenting and creating innovative lessons, testing and evaluating. This is going to be the subject of next several months with the concern of implementation in partner schools:  A. Mickiewicz Secondary School in Piastów, R. Archutowski Secondary School in Warsaw and Primary School No. 2 with Bilingual Classes in Łuków.

Our institution was represented by dr Artur Baranowski - the university project coordinator and students of the Faculty of Education Marcin Bielecki and the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Sciences Katarzyna Niemczak, Michał Leśkiewicz, Patryk Wojtowicz and Patryk Bogdański.

Iwona Moczydłowska - the host - MSCDN

Ove Christnensen - project coordinator

Mireia Masgrau and Jan Gejel - Quality Assurance Partner

Panel and parallel group working, presenting conclusions and findings.

Visiting the school and Polish Jews Museum - workshops

Our experience, interviews and remarks were shown on padlet.

Another findings:

... and our summaries on project's key points


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